Transcription textuelle de la BD Scanner

What does the scanner do ?

The scanner lets me see detailed images from inside my body.

The scanner helps the doctor understand my illness better.

I can use the scanner at a radiology centre or at the hospital or clinic.

At reception, I give my name and address and health insurance card if I have one.

If the receptionist has asked for them:

I also bring my old scans and test results.

The scanner doesn’t hurt.

It takes between 10 and 30 minutes.

To help me keep still during the examination.

I can take a pill two hours before the exam.

My doctor gave me a prescription.

What happens before my scan ?

I go to the toilet.

The technician meets me.

The technician is the person who operates the scanner.

The technician asks me to take off:

  • my jewellery, I must not forget to take off my earrings or piercings.
  • my glasses and my hearing aid and anything in my pockets.

The technician may ask me take off some of my clothes.

  • Top
  • Bottom
  • I can put a gown own

The technician may insert a drip.

I go into the scanner room.

The technician goes into the booth.
The table slowly enters the opening.
The Scanner machine
Table to lie down on

The technician explains what is going to happen.

I lie down on the examination table.

If I am cold the technician gives me a blanket.

What happens during my scan?

The table slowly enters the opening.

If I have a drip the technician may put a product into it.

This product might give me a warm feeling all over my body.
I may also have a strange taste in my mouth.

When I am ready, the technician leaves.

They go into the booth.
The technician watches me through the window.
We can talk to each other through the microphone.

During my scan the machine makes some noise.

I must stay still.
The technician may ask me to hold my breath.

What happens after my scan?

When my scan is finished, the table slowly comes out of the opening.

If I have a drip, the technician removes it.

I can get dressed and collect my things.

The radiologist writes a report.

The radiologist is the doctor who analyses the images from the scanner.
The receptionist or the technician tell me how to get my results.

If I have a drip, I must drink lots of water when I get home.

I go to see my doctor with my results.

The translation of this tool was made possible thanks to the support of the Orange Foundation.

Where I can find SantéBD booklets?

SantéBD booklets are free.

SantéBD is a project by the NGO Coactis Santé
SantéBD booklets are produced in partnership with different participants from the world of healthcare and working with disabilities. Illustrations by Frédérique Mercier.
Copyright Coactis Santé

  • la Fondation Handicap Malakoff Humanis
  • la Fondation de France
  • la mairie de Paris
  • l’Assurance maladie
  • la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie
  • Santé publique France

This document was proofread by people with learning disabilities and respects the European Easy-to-Read Guidelines. These guidelines help to make information available for everyone.

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