Transcription textuelle de la BD A crown

The dentist gives me a crown

When one of my teeth is badly damaged, the dentist gives me a crown.

The crown protects my tooth.

It is like a false tooth that fits over the broken tooth.

The dentist makes my tooth smooth. He uses a tool that vibrates and sprays water into my mouth.

He copies the shape of my tooth.

He puts a kind of modelling clay on a small mould.

The dentist puts the mould into my mouth.

The dentist pushes the mould very hard onto my teeth.

I must wait a few minutes.

The dentist pulls hard to take out mould.

The dentist uses the shape of my tooth to make the crown.

My crown is ready in about two weeks.

Sometimes the dentist gives me a temporary false tooth to protect my broken tooth.

After two weeks, I go back to the dentist to fit the crown.

He removes the temporary false tooth using a small pair of tweezers.

The dentist dries my tooth carefully.

Then he glues the crown to my tooth.

The dentist asks me to bite hard on a piece of cotton wool.

The crown covers my broken tooth completely.

It is just like a real tooth!


This factsheet was produced in partnership with the French Union for Oral Health and the SOSS network which promotes access to oral and dental care for people with disabilities.
It was created with financial support from our partners:

  • la Fondation Handicap Malakoff Humanis
  • la Fondation de France
  • l’Assurance maladie
  • la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie
  • Santé publique France

The translation of this tool was made possible thanks to the support of the Orange Foundation.

Where I can find SantéBD booklets?

SantéBD booklets are free.

SantéBD is a project by the NGO Coactis Santé

SantéBD booklets are produced in partnership with different participants from the world of healthcare and working with disabilities. Illustrations by Frédérique Mercier.
Copyright Coactis Santé


The creation of this tool was made possible with the support of:

  • la Fondation Handicap Malakoff Humanis
  • la Fondation de France
  • la mairie de Paris
  • l’Assurance maladie
  • la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie
  • Santé publique France

This document was proofread by people with learning disabilities and respects the European Easy-to-Read Guidelines. These guidelines help to make information available for everyone.

For more information visit the website