Transcription textuelle de la BD Vaccine
Vaccination against Covid-19.
The vaccine protects me against Covid-19
If I have the vaccine:
If I get Covid-19, I will be less sick.
The vaccine is for everyone.
- Some people are vaccinated before anyone else.
- Soon, everyone will have the vaccine.
People visiting from other countries can get the vaccine.
You don’t need to be a French citizen to get the vaccine
They will let me know when it is my turn.
I make an appointment to get the vaccine.
The vaccine against Covid-19 isn’t obligatory.
The doctor will tell me if I can have the vaccine.
I must say if I want to have the vaccine or not. It’s my choice!
To help me decide, I can talk to:
- my doctor,
- my friends, my family,
- my guardian,
- someone who works for the Red Cross.
The vaccine is given by a healthcare worker.
They give me an injection in my arm.
The injection hurts a little, but it doesn’t last long.
After the vaccine.
For 1 or 2 days, I might have:
- some redness where I had the injection,
- a headache,
- a slight temperature,
- soreness in my muscles.
To help me feel better:
- I rest,
- I drink plenty of water.
If I feel very unwell, I call my doctor.
After the vaccine, I continue to social distance.
Everyone continues to social distance.
For extra protection, I get another vaccine 4 weeks later.
The vaccine is free.
To make an appointment for the vaccine:
I can call 0800 009 110
or visit the website
To find out more, check out our fact-sheets at
- « Protecting myself from germs »
- « All about vaccination »
This factsheet was created by SantéBD, and adapted for the French Red Cross.
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